Making Strides Legacy & Heritage Teams

Legacy and Heritage Teams have shown their long-term commitment to Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and the American Cancer Society in support of our mission of ending breast cancer as we know it, for everyone through their fundraising success.

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Legacy Teams

Legacy Teams have raised $1 million or more in their total fundraising for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.

Team Name  Event Year achieved
Stacy’s Circle of Friends MSABC of San Diego 2010
Primax Pink Warriors MSABC of Charlotte 2021
Autozone Striders MSABC of Memphis 2023

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Heritage Teams

Heritage Teams have raised $5 million or more in their total fundraising for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.

If any of the information above is incorrect, or if your team is missing from either list, please contact [email protected].

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