Resource Category: Recognition/Retention

Recognition Road Map

The Recognition Road Map was created to assist all of our American Cancer Society volunteers to have a guideline as to when they can and should be recognizing the amazing

Pacesetter Nomination Form

Do you know a leader that would make a great Pacesetter and commit to setting a goal of $2500? Check out this Pacesetter nomination form. After it’s filled out, share

Grand Club and Pacesetter Flyer

Welcome to the Club! Celebrate reaching that $1000 Grand Club level and the $2500 Pacesetter Level! Once you reach the Grand Club or Pacesetter level, you will receive a gift

Hero of Research Award Flyer

The Hero of Research Award is a recognition program offered to qualifying teams in honor of a loved one or their team.  The Hero of Research Program offers two levels of

Nationwide Top Performing Teams Program

The Top Performing Teams Program is a unique opportunity to qualifying Relay For Life, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and DetermiNation teams.  The program is designed to deepen relationships among

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