Social Media Assets

Need graphics for your local Social Media pages? There are images, videos, sample messages & stories available for you. Some are ready to use by downloading the image, others can be customized with local photos & messages using Canva.


RFL Pirate Captain Matt

Suggested Copy: Video 1: Arrr you ready to see an end to cancer as we know it? Register your team today! Sign up to be a team captain at


Celebrate, Remember, Fight Back

Sample Post Copy: Join Relay For Life to celebrate all those united in the fight against cancer, and share the love for those we’ve lost. #RelayForLifeEVENTNAME


Relay Recruitment – Love, Strength, Fight

Sample Post Copy: It takes all of us to make a difference in the fight against cancer. Share the love for our community and sign up at #RelayForLifeEVENTNAME

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