
Meet Our Voices

David Donovan-Schager

My name is David Donovan-Schager and I live in Gilbert, AZ.  My cancer journey began in 1969 when I was born with a purple mark on my left leg.  The doctors weren’t sure what it was and so I bounced around and eventually ended up at the University of Iowa Medical Center where I was diagnosed with a rare muscle cancer.  The only option at that time was to have my entire left leg amputated up to my hip.  I was 2 months old.

I was fortunate to have tremendous support from my parents and brother and sister.  I grew up like any other kid (but with one leg).  This support taught me the importance of helping others.

I first attended a Relay for Life event in 2010 and immediately felt a pull to help out.  The next year I was on a committee and 2 years later was co-chair of an event.  I was honored to receive the Hero of Hope (now Voices of Hope) designation in 2012 and have been proud to provide support with various committees and events. I assisted with organizing summits to teach others on how to conduct events across Arizona and eventually in other Western states.  I was also able to co-chair a virtual event in the East Valley during COVID that helped bring people together and experience a Relay event, even though we could not be there in person.

I am married with 4 children and my first grandbaby due later this year.  I am grateful for my family, friends, and caregivers and place a great value on the help that others can provide.  And this truly is the only way to defeat this disease.  With all of us working together, we can win the day against cancer!

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