Movies on the Lawn

Location: In-Person

Overhead Cost: $$

Expected Return: $$$

Complexity: 3


Movies on the Lawn are a fun summer time fundraiser! Have everyone bring a blanket and you can accommodate a lot of people. For a fun twist, organize in a field or park, a drive-in. You can charge admission or just ask for donations. Host a concession stand for added donations. Can also host games for the kids to help pass the time until dark.

Other Fundraising Ideas

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Let children wake up on Easter morning to a yard filled with eggs. Take orders for candy-filled and/or sticker-filled eggs, in time for an Easter surprise. Let our “bunnies” do

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Post clues on social media leading up to the big day, and get teams to participate by following the clues. Apps like Actionbound can also help you create an experience

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