Recognizing Top Performers

*All data is not final.  This data represents top fundraising for events happening in 2025.  Some events may not be represented on this list if they are on external platforms.   All data will be reviewed for all events/platforms in January of 2026 for accuracy and finalization. 

Last Updated on 10/14/24

National Top Fundraising Participants

Congratulations to our current season top fundraisers. Out of all the participants across the country these people have raised the most money. Thank you for all your hard work in helping raise money to help save lives from cancer.

National Top Fundraising Teams

When committed people work together, they can do anything. These teams are proof of that. These Fundraising Teams have raised more money to help the American Cancer Society save lives from cancer than all the other teams in the country.

National Top Fundraising Events

Communities coming together to raise money is at the heart of the American Cancer Society. These communities are the top fundraising communities in the nation. Congratulations and thank you for your time, dedication and energy!

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