Reverse Auction

Location: In-Person

Overhead Cost: $

Expected Return: $

Complexity: 1


Instead of selling tickets, make it a party! In a reverse raffle, people buy numbered tickets for a chance to win a big prize (example – 200 tickets at $100 each – $10,000 for your organization – $10,000 in prizes. Save 5-10 tickets to auction off during the drawing. Select what tickets win their money back (ie. 1st 50th, 100th, etc. tickets drawn. 150th wins $200, 195 wins $500 etc. Last ticket drawn wins $5,000.)

Other Fundraising Ideas

Bingo Night

Everyone loves Bingo! Bingo sets are pretty affordable or can be rented from your local party rental suppliers. Consider selling refreshments as well because Bingo can be thirsty work. You

Facebook Fundraising

Facebook Fundraising lets you supercharge your efforts by simplifying the way you raise money through your inspiring social posts. All the money you raise on Facebook will automatically be counted

Breakfast in Bed

Everyone ones loves breakfast in bed, so take this opportunity and use as a fundraiser!

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